Auction Details
Estate of TA Floyd - Live Auction
Starts: Sat, Mar 9 at 3:30 AM EST
Checkout Info
All items purchased must be removed by Monday (March 11) at 6PM.
All items not removed before then will be forfeited. Unless other arrangements has been made with the auction company.
All items not removed before then will be forfeited. Unless other arrangements has been made with the auction company.
217 - Items Hanging on Right Side of Wash Room (Only Hanging Items - Nothing Nailed Fixed to the Wall will be removed)
220 - Items Hanging on Left Side of Wash Room (Only Hanging Items - Nothing Nailed Fixed to the Wall will be removed)
A 10% Buyers Premium will charged on all items. GA 7% Sales Tax will be charged on all items unless exemption forms are presented at checkout. All items will be sold AS-IS WHERE-IS with NO WARRANTY. Buyer is responsible for checking condition of all items. Any announcements made by the auctioneer will supersede anything written or in the buyers guide. Payment terms are cash, approved credit card, or check with bank letter. All items must be paid for in full on the day of the sale. All items must be removed by Monday (March 11) at 6PM. All items left at that time will be forfeited by the buyer unless other arrangements have been made with auctioneer. Seller reserves the right to remove any items from the auction at any time before item is sold.
Southeastern Auction Company, Inc.
2938 Blue Ridge Highway
Blairsville, GA 30512
Office: 706-400-7061
Cell: 706-897-8924
Southeastern Auction Company, Inc.
1690 State Highway 17-75 South
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Office: 706-970-3700
Cell: 706-994-7465 Taylor Osborn | 706-897-8924 Justin Duncan